[Mi4i] Sensei kernel, enjoy the zen experience
kali ini saya akan share cara instal sensei kernel untuk mengatasi overheat pada Resurrection Remix Mi4i
Syarat :
Syarat :
- Telah di root
- Terinstal Twrp 3.0.2
- Telah download sensei kernel
- baterai terisi 50% lebih
Langkah :
- Buka recovery Twrp 3.0.2
- Cari file sensei kernel
- ubah option image menjadi zip
- instal sensei kernel
- Tidak perlu wipe dalvik/cache
Settingan di kernel auditor :
- Balanced
- Governor (Both) : Interactive
- I/O Scheduler : Zen
- Read-ahead : 1024kb
- CPU Hotplug : Thunderplug
- Thermal : Core Control (Max Temp 50°)
2. Gaming
- Governor 1 : ElementalX
- Governor 2 : Interactive
- I/O Scheduler : Zen
- Read-ahead : 1024kb
- CPU Hotplug : Thunderplug
- Thermal : Core Control (Max Temp 50°)
3. Performance
- Governor (Both) : SmartassV2
- I/O Scheduler : Zen
- Read-ahead : 1024kb
- CPU Hotplug : Thunderplug
- Thermal : Core Control (Max Temp 55°)
Fitur :
- Multirom support
- Advanced color control
- Sweep2Wake
- Fastcharge
- Better Ram & Battery Management
- Quickwake
- Fast bootup (Using all cores)
- Better thermal handling
Kompatibilitas :
- Sensei is compatible with any rom derived from the CyanogenMod source. (CM12.1, CM13, AOSPA-L, Pac-Rom, PA, RR)
Untuk Miui 6 dan 7 :
Flash file berikut di Twrp ..
Menghadirkan fitur yang belum ada :
- Doubletap2wake (To enable, run this in terminal : "echo 1 > /sys/devices/soc.0/78b9000.i2c/i2c-5/5-004a/wakeup_mode")
- CPU Core Control
Force enable CPU : "echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu{number}/online_control"
Force disable CPU : "echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu{number}/online_control"
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